Wednesday, December 19, 2012


We all know it's that time of year where we are frantically trying to get last minute gifts, if you live where it snows some of you are hoping you have a white one of these, or some of you maybe already experiencing it, some of you may just now be putting up a tree, decorating it with lights and other colorful accessories, if you were an early bird you did that the day after Thanksgiving. Some of you have the hot chocolate brewing, the carols playing, and the seasonal movies going...Yep, you guessed it, that time of year is Christmas. As one writer put it "It's the most wonderful time of the year". 

Unfortunately, this is not the most wonderful time of the year for some families and will never ever be again. It is the time of year where families will remember losing their loved ones, their precious little angels. No Christmas holiday will ever be the same, because they won't hear the pitter patter of their children's feet running down the stairs on Christmas morning, they won't ever hear their child laugh again, or they will never hear them speak again, they'll never get to finish the height chart on the kitchen wall, they'll never get to make chocolate chip cookies to leave out for Santa, they won't be running to mom and dad to for hugs and kisses, dad can't teach his son how to play basketball and football, mom can't do her hair and show her how to be a lady. It's a sad time and unless you have been living under a rock the past few days you should all know I am referring to the horrific massacre that happened in Connecticut where 26 people were killed including 20 children and a teacher.

When I caught wind of this tragedy I am shame to say I read it on Yahoo "20 slained in massacre in Connecticut" and brushed it off thinking to myself, "another crazy person going on a killin spree, God help the families and the person that did this" and kept on moving. I still will admit I do not know a lot about the story only because it is something that is difficult for me to fathom. It is a tragedy, it's scary to imagine someone would go around killing innocent people let alone small, harmless, defensless children. My heart breaks, my heart hurts for those innocent people. I read the story of a courageous teacher that laid her life down to cover the children in hopes of saving their lives. How amazing is this woman? How many of us would have done the same? Honestly? 

So I write this post to say while you are loving on your children today, hugging them tight. While you are talking to your loved ones, seeing them over the holiday season, remember these families, take time to pray for them, or keep them in your thoughts. Find out how you can give to those family, donate or donate in your local area to those that are not spending the holidays with family, or friends. Volunteer at your local soup kitchen, take your family to go feed the homeless on the streets. Give back as much as you can because when you can't take it with you, and you can't take your friends and family with you either. Spend as much time with them as you can, teach your kids any and everything you can, hug them more than you have in the past, kiss them daily, play with them always because you never know when the one you love would be ripped from your heart and your life. Speaking from a place of hurt, and a mom who has lost her child I understand what these families are feeling and my heart breaks for them. Understanding from that deep place how life will never be the same.....

Words of wisdom: Never take anyone you love for granted and love unconditionally as much as you can.

Wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas and a wonderful New Year!!

SS <3  



  1. I love this post and yes I am blessed to hug my kids every night and I never take that for granted!! much love hunny! xoxo

  2. It's definitely difficult as a Momma to even think that someone can hurt people much less children in such a terrible manner...but I keep them all in prayer and you as well, if I am reading correctly you have also suffered the loss of a child and I am so deeply sorry... :( That is one pain that I will never fully understand or be able to reason with... :( Again I am sorry for your loss and all of those innocent children who lose their lives or pureness at the hands of heartless situations. :(

  3. I agree... it's been such a horrible event to see unfold the details are haunting. I think this is a clear reminder that we can't protect our kids its scary and sad that its happening more often. I pray for strength for the families and i pray for peace for the little lives taken. I will keep in my heart the amazing heroes. I hope to be lucky enough to have teachers for my kids that treat them as their own. big hugs amiga!

  4. It's good to see you posting again, even under these circumstances.
    This past week has definitely taught me to appreciate those that I love and to hug my kids tighter and more often. <3

  5. AWW THIS REMINDS ME ON MY MOTHER :). I am so FOLLOWING. I hope you can check out my site: and follow as well. So we can keep posted on each other. Thanks for your time. Hope to hear from you soon...God Bless!

    Steven B.
