Monday, September 23, 2013


Hey beautiful people
Hope you all are well. I've been away a lot longer than I planned and I apologize. I have been really focused on growing my YouTube profile and my Facebook page with this whole re-vamping thing. I have really exciting news I have reached over 100 likes on my Facebook fan page. Its actually 137 to be exact lol. My goal was to reach 100 in three months and I started actively promoting it in August. I am happy about this goal but my goal to reach 50 subscribers on my YouTube is not going as well but I am still hopeful.

I wanted to let you guys know about a new segment in my videos that is called Ask Napturalista. Ask Napturalista is basically like a Dear Abby section to my videos. You can ask me anything dealing with natural hair, makeup, beauty, weight loss, healthy living, relationship, kids etc. Simply post your questions here, on my Facebook fan page, on my Twitter or Instagram, or on my YouTube page and I'll answer them in my Ask Napturalista segment on my YouTube page. I do not mention names so if you send them to me in a private message your name won't be used, I simply just ask the question and answer it. So far its been fun and I have received a lot of questions but would definitely like to receive more. So if you would like to participate I would love to have you. 

Lastly, thank you all for your continued love and support as I transition and further break into the blogging/vlogging world. I love you all so much. Please take a look at some of my #asknapturalista videos and if you haven't please don't forget to check out the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the YouTube 
Until next time<3 <3

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